Prof. Dr. , Senior Researcher . Dang Diem Hong
Position: Former Head of Department of Algal Biotechnology
Institute: Institute of Biotechnology (IBT), Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam
Address: Room 605, B4 Building, Institute of Biotechnology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST); 18 Hoang Quoc Viet Road, Cau Giay, Hanoi,Vietnam
Tel: 024 37911059, Mobile phone: 091 534 3660; Fax: 024 38363144
- 26.11-4.12.2018: Scientific exchange at Le Mans University, France
- 12-16/8/2018: Short visit to Kalay University, Myanmar
- 5-9/3/2013: Short scientific exchange at Kyushu Institute of Technology (KYUTECH), Japan
-2-3/2011: Short scientific exchange at Bimolecular Engineering Department, Jack Baskin School of Engineering, University of California, Santa Cruz, California, USA
-7/2007: Short scientific exchange at Marine Science Lab., Institute of East China Sea, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan.
- 3/2007: Short scientific exchange at National Institute of Advanced Science and Technology (AIST), Institute of innovation of chemical development, Bio-polymer Lab., Osaka, Japan.
- 2004-2005: Invited Researcher in National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Institute for Biological resources and Functions, Tsukuba, JAPAN supported by JSPS.
- 2001-2002: Postdoctoral in National Food Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, fishery and forestry (MAFF), Tsukuba, JAPAN supported by UNU-Kirin Fellowship
- 1996-1998: Postdoctoral at Dept. of Molecular Biology, Pusan National University, South of KOREA supported by KOSEF
- 1989-1993: PhD student at Dept. of Biophyics, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov, Moscow, RUSSIA
- 1977-1983: Hanoi State University, Hanoi, Vietnam. B.Sc. (Diploma)
Professional experience
Expertise and research interests
Photosynthesis in the micro and macro-algae under stress conditions (moderately elevated temperature, dehydration, high salinity)
Set up Culture collection of microalgae and cultivation of some algal species rich in nutrition on the large scales (Spirulina platensis, Haematococcus pluvialis, Nannochloropsis oculata, Chlorella sp., Isochrysis galbana, Dunaliella sp., Tetraselmis sp., Schizochytrium spp., Thraustochytrium spp…..).
Biodiversity of micro algae and macroalgae in the molecular level (including fresh and marine algae, toxic and harmful algae) based on RAPD, AFLP techniques, 16S rRNA, 18S rRNA, ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 rRNA, D1, D2 of 28S rRNA genes sequences and Single cell PCR method.
Nutritional quality of seaweed/microalgae and bioactive natural products from macroalgae and micro algae.
Biological characteristics of photoautotrophic and heterotrophic fresh/marine microalgae/macroalgae/Seaweed rich in nutrition and polyunsaturated fatty acids used for functional food (human as Algal Omega-3 tablet, capsule) and feed (animals) in Vietnam aquaculture.
Using microalgae/macroalgae as materials for medicine, pharmaceutical and aquaculture (rotifers, krills and also shrimp's larvae, mollusks…).
Biofuel (biodiesel from fresh/marine photoautotrophic and heterotrophic microalgae/ macroalgae/Seaweed.
Bio-oil from microalgae for functional food (such as Algal Oil Omega-3-6 tablet/capsule)
Squalene extraction from marine microalgae used for functional food, cosmetic…
Using macro and microalgae for wastewater treatment.
Using C02 from the coal – fired process for growing the microalgae having high nutritive value.
- May, 2004 to march, 2005: Fellowship for Postdoctoral supported by JSPS, Japan.
- March, 2001 to April, 2004: Fellowship for Postdoctoral supported by UNU-Kirin (United National University- Kirin), Japan.
- 1996-1998: Fellowship for Postdoctoral supported by KOSEF, South of KOREA.
October, 1989- December, 1993: Fellowship for PhD. Student supported by Ministry of Education and Training of Soviet Union/Russia.
Head of projects
- "Cultivating the cyanobacteria of Spirulina platensis biomass in seawater at pilot scale as raw materials for the production of functional foods" supported by Institute of Biotechnology. Code: CS/21-20.
- "Research on using marine microalgae Thalassiosira weissflogii as live food for white shrimp larvae at laboratory and pilot scale" supported by senior scientific research activities in 2021. Code: NVCC08.06/21-21.
- "Developed an appropriate technological process to grow marine microalgae biomass of Thalassiosira weissflogii at the laboratory and pilot scale in the conditions of the hatchery farming as fresh food for white shrimp larvae" supported by scientific research activities for senior researchers in 2020. Code NVCC08.11/20-20
- "Effect of compounds from rice bran such as phytic acid and ferulic acid on growth and development of some microalgae species of Vietnam" supported by scientific research activities for senior researchers in 2019. Code NVCC08.14/19-19.
- "Development of heterotrophic algal biomass products as supplementary feed for shrimps/fishes" Project on Product Development for Trade at the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology. BTKUD 6/2018-6/2020.
- “Assessment study and exploitation of squalene from Vietnam marine microalgae for the pharmaceutical application” supported by Ministry of Science and Technology, Vietnam (NAFOSTED); 3/2013-3/2016.
- “Study on exaction process of bi-oil rich in omega-3 and omega-6 (EPA, DHA, and DPA) from heterotrophic marine biomass”; National Project of Biotechnology development and application in processing industry to 2020 supported by Ministry of Industry and Trade; 2013-2015.
“Study on the effect of Algal Omega-3 product making from DHA rich microalgae on experimental mouse in weightless”; National Project of Space Science and Technology supported by Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology; 2009-2010.
- “Study on construction of Vietnam photoautotrophic and heterotrophic microalgal cultural collection and biomass cultivation of some heterotrophic microalgal species used for aquaculture feed”; National Project of Biotechnology development in aquaculture supported by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; 2008-2010.
- “Research of assessment and exploitation of active compounds from marine algae” supported by Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology; 2007-2008.
- “Cloning and expression of genes encoding for enzymes elongase and desaturase from new heterotrophic marine algae Labyrinthula in Vietnam” supported by Ministry of Science and Technology; 2006-2008.
- "Study on chemical composition, nutrition, and biological activities of some marine species in Truong Sa archipelago for medical and pharmaceutical use". Code: KCB-TS-07/2021-2022.
- "Study on biologically active secondary compounds from some marine microalgae species in the waters of the South Central region (Khanh Hoa - Binh Thuan sea area) of Vietnam". Key project at the level of Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology. DLBO.06/20-2022.
- "Sequencing and genome analysis of heterotrophic marine microalgae Thraustochytrium sp. TN22 of Vietnam". Project of Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST 02); 2019-2021.
- "Studying and assessing the potential resources and the exploitation ability and cultivation of economic seaweed species in the forward islands for socio-economic development" under the National Key Project of KC. 09.05 / 16-20.
- "Research on the strain creation of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii microflora expresses the VP28 protein of white spot virus in shrimps (WSSV) for the vaccines production against WSSV", under the Biotechnology programme for Aquatic Environment and Disease management supported by MARD in 2017-2020.
- "Research on the natural product creation from some species of Vietnamese seaweed (macroalgae) used in cosmetics", VAST 04 from 1/2017-12/2018.
- "Research on the pyruvate production from Halomonas bacteria with carbon source from Ulva seaweed of Vietnam", supported by Ministry of Science and Technology, Vietnam (NAFOSTED) from 4/2017 - 4/2020.
-Study and application of Nanotechnology in agriculture supported by VAST.TĐ.NANO.04/15-18
-Study on the secondary compounds with biological activities from marine microalgae isolated from Central Vietnam sea supported by VAST with ID: TD-VAST.07.
- “Whole genome sequences of Vietnam heterotrophic marine microalga of Schizochytrium mangrovei PQ6”; National Project of KC.04/11-15; 2014-2015.
- “Study on development of cultivation process on the large scale of Schizochytrium mangrovei PQ6 biomass and squalene extracted as material qualified for functional food” supported by Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology for Young Researcher (VASTDTL.11/14-15); 2014-2015.
- “Regulation of lipid mechanism by compounds isolated from Vietnamese marine algae to prevent and treat of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease” supported by Ministry of Science and Technology, Vietnam (NAFOSTED); 2014-2015.
-“Study on technology of utilization of flue gas from the coal – firing process for growing microalgae having high nutritive value”; National project of KC08.08/11-15 supported by Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam; 2011-2013
- “Technology of utilization of C02 captured from the coal – fired flue gas by catalysis – adsorption method for growing Spirulina having high nutritive value” supported by Vietnam MOST; 2011-2012.
- “Study on culture technique of microalga Haematococcus pluvialis and astaxanthin extraction technique”; National Project of Biotechnology application to aquaculture supported by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; 2010-2012.
- “Study on technological process of marine microalgal production being used materials for biodiesel”; National Project of biodiesel development to 2015 and view to 2020 supported by Ministry of Industry and Trade; 2009-2011.
- “Study on technology of production and application of microbial product in prevention of ice-ice disease in Kappaphycus alvarezii in Viet Nam”; National Project of Biotechnology application to aquaculture supported by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; 2009-2011.
- “Research for screening bioactive compounds tend to antibiotic, cell toxicity and antioxidant from marine organisms to produce value pharmaceutical products”; National project of KC.09/06-10 supported by Ministry of Science and Technology; 2007-2008.
- “Study on arising red tide and developmental ecology of harmful toxic algal species in some specific, representative coastal and their effects on source of seafood income”; National project of KC.09/06-17 supported by Ministry of Science and Technology; 2007-2008.
- “Assemblage marine microalgal species being used for aquaculture feed” supported by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; 2007-2009.
- “Study on using mineral source for constructions of procedure for high productivity production of Spirulina platensis and ensure enough quality as materials for human foodstuff and aquaculture feed”; National Project of Biotechnology application to aquaculture supported by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; 2008-2009.
The number of Research works is applied in practice
1. Applied technology process of marine microalgae cultivation rich in nutrient for some aquaculture objects. The form, scale and addresses apply: Aquaculture farms in North, Centre parts of Vietnam from 2007 to now.
2. Provide marine microalgae species for aquaculture. The form, scale and addresses apply: Aquaculture farms in North, Centre and South parts of Vietnam from 2008 to now.
Number of protection of intellectual property has been granted:
- Paten for Utility Solution No.2076. Production process of phycocyanine from fresh biomass of cyanobacteria Spirulina platensis. With the decision 53267/QD-SHTT, signed on 01.07. 2019 (after the 5.July, 2019)
- Paten for Utility Solution No. 1720. Extraction and purification process of squalene from residual biomass of heterotrophic marine microalga of Schizochytrium mangrovei. With the decision 31274/QDD-SHTT, signed on 10.05. 2018.
- Paten for Utility Solution No 1529: The culture method of Haematococcus pluvialis Flotow rich in astaxanthin. With the decision 38535/QDD- SHTT, signed on 13.06.2017.
- Paten for Utility Solutions No. 1126: The production process of biodiesel from microalga of Schizochytrium mangrovei PQ6. With the decision 67 724/ QD-IP signed on 12.02.2013.
Participation in International conferences
- Completed supervision for master: 28
- On going for supervision for master: 0
- Completed supervision for PhD: 06
- On going for supervision for PhD: 02
- Luu Thi Tam, Dang Diem Hong, Gokare A Ravishankar, Ambati Ranga Rao (2021). Chapter 29: Astaxanthin Production and Tehcnology in Vietnam and other Asian countries. In book "Global Perspectives on astaxanthin from Industrial Production to Food, Health, and Pharmaceutical Applications". Nhà xuất bản: Elsevier; Edited by Golare A Ravishankar, Ambati Ranga Rao. PP: 594-633. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-823304-7.00007-6
- Dang Diem Hong, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Le Thi Thom, Nguyen Cam Ha, Dam Duc Tien, Do Anh Duy (2019) The genus Gracilaria in Vietnam. Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences Monograph Series 17: Taxonomy of Southeast Asian Seaweed III. Phang, Song & Lim (eds): 29-46.
- Dang Diem Hong (Editor) (2019). The cultivation of microalgae rich in nutrition used for functional food and animal feed in Vietnam. Monographs; Natural resources and environment of Vietnam; Publisher of Science and Technology. 750 pages.
- Dang Diem Hong (2017). Biofuels from marine microalgae and some application in Vietnam. Monographs; Marine and Marine technology; Marine and Marine Technology; Publisher of Science and Technology. 482 pages.
- Dang Diem Hong (editors), Hoang Thi Lan Anh (2016). New Heterotrophic marine microalgae of Labyrinthula, Schizochytrium, Traustochytrium in Vietnam: Potential and Challenges. Monographs; Natural resources and environment of Vietnam; Publisher of Science and Technology. 625 pages.
220. Hoang Thi Minh Hien, Le Thi Thom, Quang Huy Pham, Dang Diem Hong (2022) Genome analysis of the heterotrophic microalga Thraustochytrium sp. TN22 to identify genes involved in exopolysaccharide and carotenoid biosynthesis pathway. Marine Genomics , 61:100918 DOI:10.1016/j.margen.2021.100918 (SCI-E)
219. Luu Thi Tam, Le Thi Thom, Nguyen Cam Ha, Hoang Thi Minh Hien, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Dang Diem Hong (2021) Study on assessment of salt tolerance of Spirulina platensis freshwater strains and choosing suitable culture conditions for selected potential strains. Journal of Biotechnology, 19 (2): 381-392
218. Luu Thi Tam, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Nguyen Thi Minh Hang, Chau Van Minh, Dang diem Hong (2021) Study on biological characteristics and biomass production of the green microalga Nannochloropsis atomus isolated from Vietnam as feedstock for the extraction of bioactive compound. Journal of Biotechnology, 19 (3): 1-14
217. Le Thi Thom, Dang Diem Hong (2021) Cultivation and extraction of omega 3-6 fatty acids from the heterotrophic marine microalga Schizochytrium mangrovei TB17 to make a functional food. Research Journal of Biotechnology, 16 (8): 22-32 (e-SCI-E)
216. Le Thi Thom, Hoang Thi Minh Hien, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Luu Thi Tam, Nguyen Cam Ha, Dang Diem Hong (2021) Optimization of culture conditions for the heterotrophic marine microalga Thraustochytrium aureum BT6 with the orientation of exploiting bioactive compounds. Academia Journal of Biology 43(2): 83-94
215. Pham Thi Lanh, Huong Minh Nguyen, Bui Thi Thuy Duong, Nguyen Thi Hoa, Le Thi Thom, Luu Thi Tam, Ha Thi Thu, Vo Van Nha, Dang Diem Hong, Aidyn Mouradov, Apurav Krishna Koyande, Pau-Loke Show, Dong van Quyen (2021) Generation of microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii expressing VP28 protein as oral vaccine candidate for shrimps against White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) infection. Aquaculture: 540 (2021) 736737.
214. Luu Thi Tam; Nguyen Van Cong; Le Thi Thom; Nguyen Cam Ha; Nguyen Thi Minh Hang; Chau Van Minh; Do Thi Hoa Vien; Dang Diem Hong (2021) Cultivation and biomass production of the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii as a live feed for white-leg shrimp in hatcheries and commercial farms in Vietnam. Journal of Applied Phycology, 33:1559-1577
213. Zhao W., Dong L., Dang Diem Hong, Brodie J., Chen W-Z., Dam Duc Tien, Zhou W., Lu QQ., Zhang M-R, Yang LE (2021) Haplotype metworks of Phycocalidia tanegashimensis (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) indicate a probable invasion from the South China Sea to Brazil. Marine Biodiversity 51:33
212. Luu Thi Tam, Nguyen Van Cong, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Dang Diem Hong (2020) Study on biological characteristics of the diatom alga Thalassiosira weissflogii isolated from central coastal regions of Vietnam. National conference of Biotechnology 2020: Biotechnology: From basic research to application for industrialization and modernization of the country", held on October 26-27, 2020 at Hue University, pages: 971-976
211. Hoang Thi Minh Hien, Le Thi Thom, Nguyen Cam Ha, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Dang Diem Hong (2020) Optimization of culture conditions for squalene production and squalene extraction method of Thraustochytrium sp. TN22. Academia Journal of Biology 2020, 42(40): 73-85
210. Luu Thi Tam, Nguyen Cam ha, Le Thi Thom, Jiang-yu Zhu, Minato Wakisaka, Dang Diem Hong (2020) Ferulic acid extracted from rice bran as a growth promoter for the microalga Nanochloropsis oculata. Journal of Applied Phycology, 33: 37-45 (2021) (SCI-E; IF: 3.2)
209. Prakash B., Dang Diem Hong, Mandia E., Rahim M.H.A., Maniam G.P., Govindan N., (2020) Salinity reduction from poly-chem - industrial wastewater by using microalgae (Chlorella sp.) collected from coastal region of Peninsular Malaysia. Journal of Biology and Medicine: Vol 1 Iss 1: 1-14; Open Access:
208. Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Ysohiakzu Kawata, Luu Thi Tam, Le Thi Thom, Nguyen Cam Ha, Hoang Thi Minh Hien, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Nguyen Quang Huy, Dang Diem Hong (2020) Biocharacteristics and draft genome sequence of Halomonas sp. C22, a pyruvate-producing halophilic bacterium isolated from a commercial Spirulina culture pond in Vietnam, Archives of Microbiology, 202: 1043-1048 (2020)
207. Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Ysohiakzu Kawata, Luu Thi Tam, Le Thi Thom, Nguyen Cam Ha, Hoang Thi Minh Hien, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Nguyen Quang Huy, Dang Diem Hong (2020) Production of pyruvate from Ulva reticulata using the alkaliphilic, halophilic bacterium Halomonas sp. BL6, Journal of Applied Phycology, 32: 2283-2293 (2020).
206. Do Duy Anh, Tran Van Huong, Bui Minh Tuan, Nguyen Van Hieu, Nguyen Thi Mai, Dang Diem Hong (2019) Species diversity of seaweed around Ly Sown Island, Quang Ngai province. Journal of Hue University: Nature Science; ISSN 1859-1388; Vol. 128, No.1A: 51-72/hueuni-jns.v128i1A.5114
205. Bhuyar P., Dang Diem Hong, Mandia E., Rahim M. H. A., Maniam G. P., Govindan N., (2019) Desalination of polymer and chemical indusrial wastewater by using green photosynthetic microalgae, Chlorella sp.. Maejo International Journal of Energy and Environmental Communication, 1-3: 9-19
204. Nguyen Thi Minh Hang, Nguyen Thi Tu Oanh, Ha Thi Hoa, Le Nguyen Thanh, Dang Diem Hong, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Chau Van Minh (2019) Preliminary research on the chemical constituens and biological activity of Chaetoceros muelleri. Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, 57(4e3,4):17-21
203. Nguyen Thi Minh Hang, Tran Huu Giap, Le Nguyen Thanh, Dang Diem Hong, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Chau Van Minh (2019) Chemical constituents of microalgae Tetraselmis convolutae. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, Vol. 55, No.5: 797-801 (SCI)
202. Nguyen Thi Minh Hang, Tran Huu Giap, Le Nguyen Thanh, Nguyen Thi Tu Oanh, Dang Diem Hong and Chau Van Minh (2019) Metabolites from microalga Schizochytrium mangrovei. Chemistry of natural Compounds, Vol. 55, No. 5: 978-981 (SCI)
201. Nguyen Thi Tu Oanh, Le Nguyen Thanh, Tran Huu Giap, Vu Thi Kim Oanh, Dang Diem Hong, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Nguyen Van Hung, Chau Van Minh and Nguyen Thi Minh Hang (2019) Chemical constituents of Nannochloropsis oculata. Chemistry of Natural Compound; 55(3): 589-591. (SCI)
200. Dang Diem Hong, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Le Thi Thom, Nguyen Cam Ha, Dam Duc Tien, Do Anh Duy (2019) The genus Gracilaria in Vietnam. Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences Monograph Series 17: Taxonomy of Southeast Asian Seaweed III; Phang, Song & Lim (eds), 2019: 28-46
199. Nguyen Cam Ha, Hoang Thi Minh Hien, Nguyen Hoang Ngan, Dang Diem Hong (2019) Safety Assessment and the effect of squalene isolated from Schizochytrium mangrovei PQ6 on serum HDL-cholesterol levels in animal models. Tạp chí sinh học 41 (2): 39-48
198. Dang Diem Hong, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Luu Thi Tam, Pau Loke Show, Hui Yi Yeong (2019) Effect of nanoscale zerovalent cobalt on growth and photosynthetic parameters of soybean Glycine max (L.) Merr. DT26 at different stages. BMC Energy; ISSN: 2524-4469, 1:6: 1-9
197. Pham Thanh Cong, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Dang Diem Hong (2019) Utilazation of Schizochytrium mangrovei PQ6 feed on rotifers Brachionus plicatilis in rearing black sleeper's larvae (Bostrichthys sinensis, Lacepede, 1881). Journal of Biology, 41(2): 79-88
196. Luu Thi Tam, Hoang Thi Minh Hien, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Phan Hoang Tuan, Dang Diem Hong (2019) The impact of zerovalent cobalt nanoparticle on photosynthesis - related genes expression in soybean leaves Glycine max (L.) Merr. (DT26). Journal of Biology 41 (1): 141-152
195. Jiang -yu Zhu, Dang Diem Hong, Minato Wakisaka (2019) Phytic acid extracted from Rice bran as growth Promoter for Euglena gracilis. Open Chemistry, 2019, 17; 1-7 (SCI-E).
194. Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Luu Thi Tam, Dang Diem Hong (2018). Study on biocharacteristics and pyruvate production of moderately Halophilic bacteria isolated from Dunaliella tertiolecta's culture medium. Academia Journal of Biology, 40(4): 111-119
193. Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Hoang Thi Minh Hien, Nguyen Cam Ha, Luu Thi Tam, Tran Xuan Khoi, Tran Mai Duc, Dang Diem Hong (2018) Preparation and Evaluation of cream mask from Vietnamese Seaweeds. J. Cosmet. Sci; 69: 1-16 (November/December 2018)
192. Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Hoang Thi Minh Hien, Luu Thi Tam, Le Thi Thom, Nguyen Cam Ha, Yoshikazu Kawata, Dang Diem Hong (2018) Isolation of pyruvic acid producing Halomonas sp. bacterial strain from mangrove forest of Khanh Hoa province. Vietnamese Journal of Biotechnology Vol 16, No 3: 573-579
191. Dang Diem Hong, Phan Bao Vy, Ngo Thi Hoài Thu, Tran Xuan Khoi, Nguyen Cam Ha, Luu Thi Tam (2018). Evaluation of bioactivities and formulation of face mask from Sargassum sp. extract. Academia Journal of Biology, 40 (3): 106 - 112.
190. Nguyen Minh Huong, Ha Thi Thu, Nguyen Thi Hoa, Dinh Duy Khang, Dang Diem Hong, Aidyn Mouradov, Dong Van Quyen (2018) Creation of recombinant Chlamydomonas reinhardtii strains expressing codon optimized VP28 gene from white spot syndrome virus. Journal of Biology 40 (1): 92-99
189. Phan Hoang Tuan, Luu Thi Tam, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Nguyen Hoai Chau, Dang Diem Hong (2018) Study on the effect of single and mixture cobalt nanoparticles in the change of photosynthesis parameters and antioxidant enzymes activity of soybean seedlings Glycine max (L.) Merr. (DT26). Journal of Biology, ISSN: 0866-7160. 40(2): 333-342
188. Dang Diem Hong, Luu Thi Tam, Le Thi Thom, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Ha Thi Thu, Nguyen Minh Huong, Dong Van Quyen (2018) The selection of appropriate cultural conditions for growth of recombinant green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in laboratory condition. Journal of Biology, ISSN: 0866-7160. 40(2): 204-214
187. Le Thi Thom, Nguyen Hoang Ngan, Dang Diem Hong (2018) Study assessment and pharmacological effect of algal oil omega 3-6 capsule rich in DHA, DPA, EPA from oil of heterotrophic marine microalga Schizochytrium mangrovei TB17 on the experimental animal. Journal of Biology, ISSN: 0866-7160. 40(2): 194-203
186. Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Luu Thi Tam, Hoang Thi Minh Hien, Nguyen Cam Ha, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Kawata Y., Ngo Thi Hoa Diep, Nguyen Thanh Thuy, Dang Diem Hong (2018) Potential pyruvate and poly (3-hydroxybutyrate) production of Halophyles bacteria isolated from Giao Thuy, Nam Dinh's mangrove forest. Journal of Biology. ISSN: 0866-7160. 40(2): 185-193
185. Luu Thi Tam, Hoang Thi Minh Hien, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Nguyen Cam Ha, Dam Duc Tien, Do Anh Duy, Dang Diem Hong (2018). Using rbcL molecular barcoding to identify seaweed species belong to Gracilaria, Hydropuntia and Laurencia genera of Vietnam. Proceeding of National Biotechnology Conference 2018 at National Conference Centre of Ha Noi, 26. Oct., 20185: 1325-1330
184. Nguyen Van Cong, Do Thi Hoa Vien, Dang Diem Hong (2018) Identification of two marine microalgal species (Thalassiosira pseudonana and Thalassiosira weissflogii) based on morphology and 18S rRNA gene analysis. Proceeding of National Biotechnology Conferfence 2018 at National Conference Centre of Ha Noi, 26. Oct., 20185:21-27.
183. Le Thi Thom, Luu Thi Tam, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Nguyen Cam Ha, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Ha Thi Thu, Nguyen Minh Huong, Dong Van Quyen, Đang Diem Hong (2018). Study on some biological characteristics of recombinant green microalga strain of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 137-3 expressing VP28 gene from White spot syndrome virus. Proceeding of National Biotechnology Conference 2018 at National Conference Centre of Ha Noi, 26. Oct., 20185: 852-857
182. Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Phan Bao Vy, Tran Van Khoi, Nguyen Cam Ha, Luu Thi Tam, Tran Mai Duc, Dang Diem Hong (2018) Evaluation of bioactivities and formulation face mask from brown seaweed (Padina sp.) extract. Proceeding of National Biotechnology Conference 2018 at National Conference Centre of Ha Noi, 26. Oct., 20185: 212- 217.
181. Nguyen Cam Ha, Hoang Thi Minh Hien, Dang Diem Hong (2018). Hypocholesterolemic mechanisms of squalene extracted from Schizochytroium mangrovei PQ6 in hepatocytes. Proceeding of National Biotechnology Conference 2018 at National Conference Centre of Ha Noi, 26. Oct., 20185: 589-594
180. Doan Thi Oanh, Dang Dinh Kim, Tran Thi Minh Nguyet, Bui Thi Kim Anh, Le Thi Trinh, Dang Diem Hong (2018). Selection of Spirulina platensis strains with efficient C02 utilization. Proceeding of National Biotechnology Conference 2018 at National Conference Centre of Ha Noi, 26. Oct., 2018: 946-951.
179. Phan Hoang Tuan, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Luu Thi Tam, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Dao Trong Hien, Nguyen Hoai Chau, Dang Diem Hong (2018) Evaluate the effect of zerovalent colbalt nanoparticle on the growth, phytosynthetic parameters of soybean Glycine max (L) Merrill "DT51" at different growth stages. Proceeding of National Biotechnology Conference 2018 at National Conference Centre of Ha Noi, 26. Oct., 2018: 1331-1338.
178. Nguyễn Văn Công, Đỗ Thị Hoa Viên, Đặng Diễm Hồng (2018) Fatty acid profile and nutrition values of the microalga (Thalassiosira pseudonana) used in white shrimp culture. Vietnam Journal of Science and Tehcnology 56(4A): 138-145.
177. Hoang T LA, Nguyen HC, Le TT, Hoang THQ, Pham VN, Hoang MHT, Ngo HTT, Hong DD (2018) Different fermentation strategies by Schizochytroium mangrovei strain PQ6 to produce feedstock for exploitation of squalene and omega-3 fatty acids. J. Phycol. 2018 Aug 54(4): 550 – 556 (SCI).
176. Hoang Minh Hien, Nguyen Cam Ha, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Dang Diem Hong (2018) Hypolipidemic effect of Sargassum swartzii extract in macrophage and hepatocyte cells mediated by the regulation of peroxisome proliferator activated receptor α and γ. Res. J. Biotech Vol. 13 (10): 23 - 27 (SCI).
175/ Nguyen Thi Nhung, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Pham Duc Thuan, Le Thi Thom, Do Thi Hoa Vien, Dang Diem Hong (2017) Optimization of culture condition of microalga Nannochloropsis oculata NA in 50 liters closed photobiorractors using for functional food. Journal of Biotechnology 15(4A): 125-132.
174/ Dang Diem Hong, Pham Van Nhat, Hoang Thi Huong Quynh, Luu Thi Tam, Ngo Thi Hoia Thu, Le Thi Thom, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Nguyen Hoai Nam, Nguyen Thi Minh Hang, Chau Van Minh (2017) Isolation and optimization of culture medium of symbiotic central coastal regions of Vietnam. Journal of Biotechnology 15(4A):133-141.
173/ Nguyen Thi Nga, Nguyen Thi Nhung, Le Thi Thom, Dang Diem Hong (2017) Use of the cheap media for the cultivation of Spirulina platensis BM with good biomass efficiency. Journal of Biotechnology 15(4A): 143-149.
172/ Le Thi Thom, Dang Diem Hong (2017) Study on effect of antioxidant on bio-oil preservation rich in omega -3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid. Journal of Biotechnology 15(4A): 159-164.
171/ Luu Thi Tam, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Hoang Thi Minh Hien, Dang Diem Hong (2017) Cloning and sequence analysis of gene encoding carotenoid hydroxylase – the key enzyme for astaxanthin biosynthesis pathway in microalga Haematococcus pluvialis. Journal of Biotechnology 15(4A):117-123.
170/ Phan Hoang Tuan, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Luu Thi Tam, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Ong Xuan Phong, Dao Trongj Hien, Nguyen Hoai Chau, Dang Diem Hong (2017) The effect of cobalt zerovalent nanoparticles on photosynthesis and chlorophyll a content of soybean seedlings Glycine max (L.) Merr. "DT26". Journal of Biotechnology 15(4A): 63-69.
169/ Tran Huy Giap, Ha Thi Thoa, Vu Thi Kim Oanh, Nguyen Thi Tu Oanh, Nguyen Van Hung, Chau Van Minh, Dang Diem Hong, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Nguyen Thi Minh Hang, Le Nguyen Thanh. (2017). Chemical constituens from the marine microalgae Chlorella vulgaris. Vietnam Journal of Chemical 55 (6e) 34-37.
168/ Nguyen Thi Tu Oanh, Nguyen Thi Minh Hăng, ha Thi Thoa, Le Nguyen Thanh, Tran Huy Giáp, Vu Thi Kim Oanh, Nguyen Van Hung, Dang Diem Hong, Ngo Thi Hoia Thu, Chau Van Minh (2017) Chemical constituents of the marine microalga Dunaliella teritiplecta. Vietnam Journal of Chemical 55 (6e) 66-77.
167/ Nogami R., Nishida H., Dang Diem Hong, Wakisaka M. (2017). Growth promotion effect of alginate oligosaccharides to Spirulina by repeated batch culture. Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy (JCREN); ISSN: 1882-6121. 96 (9): 352-356.
166/ Coma M., Martinez- Hernandez E., Abeln F., Raikova S., Donnelly J., Arnot TC., Allen M., Dang Diem Hong, Chuck CJ., 2017. Organic waste as a sustainable feedstock for platform chemical. Faraday Discussions. ISSN: 1359-6640, Volume 202: 175 - 195 (SCI)
165/Dang Diem Hong, Nguyen Cam Ha, Le Thi Thom, Luu Thi Tam, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu (2017) Biofuel from Vietnam heterotrophic marine microalgae: biodiesel and salvaging co-products (polyunsaturated fatty acids, glycerol and squalene) during biodiesel producing process Journal of Biology, 39 (1): 51-60.
164/ Dang Diem Hong, Pham Van Nhat, Hoang Thi Huong Quynh, Luu Thi Tam, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Nguyen Cam Ha, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Nguyen Hoai Nam, Nguyen Thi Minh Hang, Chau Van Minh (2017). Study on biocharacteristics of Symbiodinium sp. isolated from soft coral in coastal water of Quang Nam, south central Vietnam. Journal of Biology. Vol 39, NO 3: 467 – 475.
163/ Le Thi Thom, Nguyen Cam Ha, Dang Diem Hontg (2017). Extraction of bio - oil rich in omega 3 - 6 fatty acid using different methods from heterotrophic marine microalga Schizochytrium mangrovei. Journal of Biology. Vol 39, No. 3: 459 - 466.
162/ Nguyen Cam Ha, Hoang Thi Minh Hien, Le Thi Thom, Hoang Thi Huong Quynh, Dang Diem Hong (2017). Optimization of fermentation conditions for squalene production by heterotrophic marine microalgae Schizochytrium mangrovei. Journal of Biotechnology. Vol 39, No 3: 449-458.
161/ Hoang Thi Minh Hien, Nguyen Cam Ha, Le Thi Thom, Dang Diem Hong. (2017). Squalene promotes cholesterol homeostasis in macrophage and hepatocyte cells via activation of liver X receptor (LXR) α and β. Biotechnology Letters. ISSN: 1573-6776. 39 (8): 1101-1107 (SCI)
160/ Calvyn F.A. Sondak, Put O. Ang, Jr., John Beardall,Alecia Bellgrove, Sung Min Boo, Grevo S. Gerung, Christopher D. Hepburn, Dang Diem Hong, Zhengyu Hu, Hiroshi Kawai, Phaik Eem Lim, Danilo Largo, Jin Ae Lee, Jaruwan Mayakun, Wendy A. Nelson, Jung Hyun Oak, SiewMoi Phang, Dinabandhu Sahoo, Yuwadee Peerapornpis,Yufeng Yang& IkKyo Chung1, (corresponding author, Networkleader). (2017). Carbon dioxide mitigation potential of seaweed aqualculture beds (SABs). J Appl Phycol. ISSN: 0921-8971; 29 (5): 2366 – 2373. (SCI)
159/ Oanh Thi Doan, Anh Kim Thi Bui, Kien Trung Hoang, Chuyen Hong Nguyen, Thom Thi Dang, Hong Diem Dang, Nguyen Vu Tran, Kim Dinh Dang (2016). Utilization of carbon dioxide from coral – firing flue gas for cultivation of Spirulina platensis. American Journal of Environmental Protection. 5 (6): 152-156.
158/ Nogami R., Nishida H., Dang Diem Hong, Wakisaka M., (2016). Growth promotion of Spirulina by steelmaking slag: application of solubility diagram to understand its mechanism. AMB Express (2016) 6:96.
157/ Hoang Thị Lan Anh, Hoang Thị Hương Quỳnh, Trần Quốc Việt, Nguyễn Thị Hồng, Ninh Thị Huyền, Đặng Diễm Hồng. (2016). Sử dụng sinh khối vi tảo biển dị dưỡng Schizochytrium để nâng cao hàm lượng docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, C22:6ω-3) trong trứng gà. Tạp chí Sinh học, 14 (2): 337-346
156/ Le Thi Thom, Luu Thi Tam, Nguyen Cam Ha, Hoang Thi Huong Quynh, Pham Van Nhat, Hoang Thi Lan Anh and Dang Diem Hong. (2016). Extraction of Bio-oil rich in omega 3-6 from alkyl ester from heterotrophic microalga Schizochytrium mangrovei PQ6. The 4 the Academic conference on natural Science for Yong Scientists, Master & PhD Student from Asean Countries. 15-18 December, 2015 – Bangkok, Thailand. Proceeding. P: 29-39.
155/ Nguyen Cam Ha, Le Thi Thom, Hoang Thi Huong Quynh, Pham Van Nhat, Hoang Thi Lan Anh and Dang Diem Hong. (2016). Extraction of squalene from Vietnam heterotrophic marine microalga. The 4 the Academic conference on natural Science for Yong Scientists, Master & PhD Student from Asean Countries. 15-18 December, 2015 – Bangkok, Thailand. Proceeding. P: 46-56
154/ Luu Thi Tam, Le Ha Thu, Le Thi Thom, Nguyen Cam Ha, Hoang Thi Huong Quynh, Pham Van Nhat, Hoang Thi Lan Anh and Dang Diem Hong. (2016). Screening for Haematococcus strains containing astaxanthin isolated from some places in Vietnam. The 4 the Academic conference on natural Science for Yong Scientists, Master & PhD Student from Asean Countries. 15-18 December, 2015 – Bangkok, Thailand. Proceeding. P: 352-359.
153/ Nguyen Cam Ha, Le Thi Thom, Dang Diem Hong, Hoang Thi Minh Hie . (2016). Study on Hydrolipidic Effect of Squalne Isolated from Heterotrophic Microalgal Schizochytrium sp. in HepG2 cells. Journal of Medicinal Materials – Hanoi, Vol 21, No 4, pp: 270- 274.
152/ Minh Hien Hoang, Cuong Nguyen, Huy Quang Pham, Lam Van Nguyen, Le Hoang Duc, Le Van Son, Truong Nam Hai, Chu Hoang Ha, Lam Dai Nhan, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Le Thi Thom, Hong Thi Huong Quynh, Nguyen Cam Ha, Pham Van Nhat, Dang Diem Hong. (2016). Transcriptome sequencing and comparative analysis of Schizochytrium mangrovei PQ6 at different cultivation times. Biotechnol Lett. DOI 10.1007/s10529-016-2165-5.
151/Thi Minh Hien Hoang, Cam Ha Nguyen , Thi Thom Le, Thi Huong Quynh Hoang, Thi Hoai Thu Ngo, Thi Lan Anh Hoang, Diem Hong Dang. 2016. Squalene isolated from Schizochytrium mangrovei is a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-a agonist that regulates lipid metabolism in HepG2 cells. Biotechnol Lett. (2016) 38: 1065-1071.
150/ Nogami R., Tam LT, HTL Anh, HTH Quynh, LT Thom, PV Thom, NTH Thu, Hong DD and Wakisaka M., (2016). Growth promotion effect of steelmaking slag on Spirulina platensis. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 704 (2016) 0122019. IOP Publishing.
149/ Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Nguyen Cam Ha, Le Thi Thom, Dang Diem Hong. 2016. Optimization of culture conditions and squalene enrichment from heterotrophic marine microalga Schizochytrium mangrovei PQ6 for squalene production. Research Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. Vol. 14 (2): 337-346.
148/Luu Thi Tam, Le Thi Thom, Nguyen Cam Ha, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Le Ha Thu, Dang Diem Hong. 2015, Limiting factors of astaxanthin accumulation process of green microalgal Haematococcus pluvialis in the second phase under Laboratory condition. Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 13, No 4; pp: 1-7 (in Vietnamese).
147/Luu Thi Tam, Le Thị Thom, Nguyen Cam Ha, Le Ha Thu, Dang Diem Hong. 2015. Initial research of application of astaxanthin rich Haematococcus pluvialia biomass as supplement dietary for salmon fish in Vietnam. Journal od Biology, Vol. 37, No. 4; pp: 470-478 (in Vietnamese)
146/ Pham Duc Thuan, Dang Diem Hong, Phan Quoc Kinh, Nguyen Thi Thuan (2015). Assessment of Biology effects of biomass material of Nannochloropsis oculata used for functional food. Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 13, No. 2: pp: 259-267 (in Vietnamese).
145/ Nguyen Van Lam, Pham Quang Huy, Nguyen Quoc Dai, Hoang Minh Hien, Dang Diem Hong, Le Van Son, Chu Hoang Ha, Truong Nam Hai, Nguyen Cuong (2015). Genome assembly and annotation of the heterotrophic microalga Schizochytrium mangrovei PQ6 in Vietnam. Vietnam Science Technology Review. Volume 2, Number 6, June 2015; pp: 37-41 (in Vietnamese).
144/ Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Tran Huy Hoang, ZhiGang Zhou, Tran Que, Chu Hoang Ha, Truong Nam Hai, Dang Diem Hong (2015). Karyotype analysis of Schizochytrium mangrovei PQ6 using DAPI (4’, 6-diamidino - 2- phenylidole) counter staining and pulsed – field gel eclectrophoresis (PFGE) techniques. Journal of Biology. 37 (1): 60-68 (in Vietnamese).
143/ Pham Duc Thuan, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Dang Diem Hong (2015). Cultivation of marine microalga Nannochloropsis oculata in closed tubular photobioreactors. Journal of Biotechnology. 13 (2A): 545-549 (in Vietnamese).
142/Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Minh Hien Hoang, Dang Dinh Kim, Dang Diem Hong (2015). Stydy on biological characteristics of a new isolated Vietnamese strain Isochrysis galbana Parker for utilizing as live aquaculture feed. Russian Journal of Marine Biology. Vol, 41. No. 3, Pp: 203-211 (SCI-E)
141/ Pham Duc Thuan, Dang Diem Hong, Phan Quoc Kinh. 2014. Utilization of Nannochloropsis oculata biomass for functional foos. Journal of Biology. 12 (3): 455-465.
140/ Kyung Min Lee, Dang Diem Hong, Sung Min Boo. (2014). Phylogenetic relationships of Rosenvingea (Scytosiphonaceae, Phaeophyceae) from Vietnam based on cox3 and psaA sequences. Algae, 29 (4): 289-297.(pISSN: 1226-2617, eISSN: 2093-0860; SCI-E)
139/ Le Thi Thom, Luu Thi Tam, Nguyen Cam Ha, Hoang Thi Huong Quynh, Pham Van Nhat, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Hoang Thi Minh Hien, Dang Diem Hong. Extraction and purification of omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids from heterotrophic marine microalga of Schizochytrium mangrovei PQ6 using for functional food. Proceeding of the second National scientific conference of marine biology and sustainable development. Publishing House of natural science and Technology. DOI 10.1562/MBSD2.2014 -0086. Pp: 735-743 (in Vietnamese).
138/ Nguyen Cam Ha, Le Thi Thom, Luu Thi Tam, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Hoang Thi Minh Hien, Dang Diem Hong. 2014. Squalene extraction and purification from heterotrophic marine microalgal biomass of Schizochytrium mangrovei PQ6 for functional food. Proceeding of the second National scientific conference of marine biology and sustainable development. Publishing House of natural science and Technology. DOI 10.1562/MBSD2.2014 -0068. Pp: 605-612 (in Vietnamese).
137/ Hoang Minh Hien, Dang Diem Hong, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Luu Thi Tam, Le Thi Thom, Nguyen Cam Ha. 2014. Screening of the peroxixome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) activator from ethanol extract of Vietnam seaweed applies for functional food in the treatment and prevention of dyslipidemia. Proceeding of the second National scientific conference of marine biology and sustainable development. Publishing House of natural science and Technology. DOI 10.1562/MBSD2.2014 -0073. Pp: 645-650 (in Vietnamese).
136/ Minh Hien Hoang, Nguyen Cam Ha, Le Thi Thom, Luu Thi Tam, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, and Dang Diem Hong. 2014. Extraction of squalene as value-added product from the residual biomass of Schizochytrium mangroveiPQ6 during biodiesel producing process. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. VOL. 118. No 6, Pp: 632-639.(SCI)
135/ Jayanta Talikdar, Mohan Chandra Kalita,Bhabesh Chandra Goswami, Dang Diem Hong, and Hamendra Chandra Das. 2014. Liquid hydrocarbon production potential of a novel strain of the microalga Botrycoccus braunii: Assessing the reliability of in Situ hydrocarbon recovery by wet process solven extraction. Energy & Fuels. 28, 3747-3758. (SCI)
134/ Le Thi Thom, Luu Thi Tam, Nguyen Cam Ha, Hoang Thi lan Anh, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Hoang Thi Minh Hien, Dang Diem Hong. 2014. Extraction and concentration of ω-3 and ω-6 fatty acids mixture from algal oil of Schizochytrium mangrovei PQ6 by urea complexation method. J. of Biology. 35 (1): 73-80 (in Vietnamese)
133/ Sze-Looi Song, Phaik – Eem Lim,Siew- Moi Phang, Weng – Wah Lee, Dang Diem Hong and Anchana Prathep. 2014. Developmet of chloroplast simple sequence repeats (cpSSRs) for the intraspecific study of Gracilaria tenuistipitata (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta) from different populations. BMC Research Notes. 2014, 7:77.
132/Phaik Eem Lim, Ji Tan, Siew moi Phang, Aluh Nikmatullah, Dang Diem Hong, H. Sunarpi & Anicia Q. Hurtado. 2014. Genetic diversity of Kappaphycus Doty and Euchauma J. Agardh (Solieriaceae, Rhodophyta) in Southeast Asia. Journal of Applied Phycology. 26: 1253-1272 (SCI).
131/ Nguyen Cam Ha, Le Thi Thom, Luu Thi Tam, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Hoang Thi Minh Hien, Dang Diem Hong. 2014. Study on extraction and purification of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids from heterotrophic marine microalga Schizochytrium mangrovei PQ6. Proceedings of the 3rd Academic Conference on Natural Science for master and PhD students from Asean countries, 11-15 November, PhomPenh, Campodia, Publishing House for Scienec and Tehcnology – 2014: pp: 122-127 (in Vietnamese).
130/ Luu Thi Tam, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Hoang Thi Minh Hien, Dang Diem Hong. 2014. Effect of bicarbonate concentration on astaxanthin accumulation of green microalga. Proceedings of the 3rd Academic Conference on Natural Science for master and PhD students from Asean countries, 11-15 November, PhomPenh, Campodia, Publishing House for Scienec and Tehcnology – 2014: pp: 135-140 (in Vietnamese).
129/ Le Thi Thom, Nguyen Cam Ha, Hoang Thi Minh Hien, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Dang Diem Hong. 2014. Extraction and purification of squalene from heterotrophic marine microalga Schizochytrium mangrovei PQ6. Proceedings of the 3rd Academic Conference on Natural Science for master and PhD students from Asean countries, 11-15 November, PhomPenh, Campodia, Publishing House for Scienec and Tehcnology – 2014: pp: 177-183 (in Vietnamese).
128/ Hoang Thi Minh Hien, Luu Thi Tam, Le Thi Thom, Nguyen Cam Ha, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Dang Diem Hong. 2014. Study on total lipit and free fatty acids extraction from heterotrophic marine microalga Schizochytrium mangrovei PQ6. J. of Biology. 35 (4): 484-493 (in Vietnamese).
127/ Dang Dinh Kim, Bui Thi Kim Anh, Nguyen Tien Cu, Tran Thi Minh Nguyet, Tran Thi Minh Nguyet, Dang Diem Hong, Dang Thi Thom, Mai Trong Chinh, Nguyen Hong Chuyen, Doan Thi Oanh. 2013. Study on separating C02 emission from coal burning by absorptive -catalysis technique to feed Spirulina rich in nutrition. Journal of Biology, 35 (3): 320-327 (in Vietnamese).
126/ Dang Diem Hong, Dinh Thi Ngoc mai, Le Thi Thom, Nguyen Cam Ha, Bui Dinh Lam, Luu Thi Tam, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu. (2013). Biodiesel production from Vietnam heterotrophic marine microalga Schizochytrium mangrovei PQ6. J. of Bioscience and Bioengineering. 116 (2): 180-185 (SCI).
125/ Dinh Thi Ngoc Mai, Nguyen Cam Ha, Le Thi Thom, Dang Diem Hong. (2013). Initial studies on squalene from some marine microalgae isolated in Vietnam. J. of Biology, Vol 35 (3): 333-341 (in Vietnamese).
124/Dinh Thi Ngoc Mai, Le Thi Thom, Nguyen Cam Ha, Bui Dinh Lam, Hoang Lan Anh, Dang Diem Hong. 2013. High quality Biodiesel production from marine microalgae Tetraselmis sp. Journal of Science and Technology 51(2): 185-192 (in Vietnamese).
123/ Le Thi Thom, Luu Thi Tam, Dinh Thi Ngoc Mai, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Nguyen Cam Ha, Dang Diem Hong (2013). Effect of nitrate concentration on growth of green microalga Haematococcus pluvialis under laboratory conditions. J. of Biology. 35 (2): 219-226 (in Vietnamese).
122/ Nguyen Cam Ha, Dang Diem Hong, Sung – Joon Lee, Hoang Minh Hien. 2013. Codium fragile extract reduces triglyceride accumulation by activating PPARα in HepG2 cells. National biotechnology conference 2013, Hanoi, Vietnam: 621-625 (in Vietnamese).
121/ Le Thi Thom, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Dinh Thi Ngoc Mai, Nguyen Cam Ha, Luong Hong Hanh, Duong Trung Kien, Mai Van Quang, Trinh Xuan Thanh, Nguyen Thi Hong Van, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Dang Diem Hong, Dang Dinh Kim, Pham Duc Thuan. 2013. Selection of some nutrient – rich microalgal species capable of efficiently utilizing C02 under laboratory conditions. National biotechnology conference 2013, Hanoi, Vietnam: 552-556 (in Vietnamese).
120/ Luu Thi Tam, Le Thi Thom, Dinh Thi Ngoc Mai, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Dang Diem Hong. 2013. Induction of astaxanthin accumulation in the green microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis under high light and nitrogen deficient conditions. National biotechnology conference 2013, Hanoi, Vietnam: 523-527 (in Vietnamese).
119/ Dinh Thi Ngoc Mai, Nguyen Cam Ha, Le Thi Thom, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Tran Thi Tuyet Lan, Dang Diem Hong. 2013. Biodiesel production from Vietnam autotrophic marine microalgae. National biotechnology conference 2013, Hanoi, Vietnam: 360-363 (in Vietnamese).
118/Pham Duc Thuan, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Dang Diem Hong, Dang Dinh Kim. 2013. Cultivation and biomass harvesting Nannochloropsis oculata to make functional food in Vietnam. National biotechnology conference, Hanoi, Vietnam:733-739 (in Vietnamese).
117/ Doan Thi Oanh, Dang Dinh Kim, Bui Thi Kim Anh, Nguyen Tien Cu, Tran Thi Minh Nguyet, Dang Diem Hong, Mai Trong Chinh, Dang Thi Thom, Nguyen Minh Chuyen. 2013. The experimental culture of Spirulina platensis at the pilot scale using C02 from the coal – fired flue gas. National biotechnology conference, Hanoi, Vietnam: 469-473 (in Vietnamese).
116/ Ji Tan, Phaik-Eem Lim, Siew-Moi Phang, Dang Diem Hong, H. Sunarpi, Anicia Q. Hurtado. (2013). Assessment of four molecular markers as potential DNA barcodes for red algae Kappaphycus Doty and Eucheuma J. Agardh (Solieriaceae, Rhodophyta). PLoS ONE (PONE-D-12-27271R1) (December 2012, Volume 7, issue 12:1-15, e52905) (SCI-E).
115/ Dinh Thi Ngoc Mai, Dinh Duc Hoang, Le Thi Thom, Bui Dinh Lam, Nguyen Cam Ha, Dang Diem Hong. 2012. Study on in situ transesterification method for biodiesel production from the the marine microalga Nannochloropsis oculata. J. of Biotechnology. 10 (2): 371-377 (in Vietnamese).
114/ Luu Thi Tam, Dinh Duc Hoang, Dinh Thi Ngoc Mai, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Dang Diem Hong. 2012. Study on the effect of salt concentration on growth and astaxanthin accumulation of microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis as the initial basic for two phase culture of astaxathin production. Vietnam Journal of Biology. Vol. 34, No 2, P: 213-223 (in Vietnamese).
113/ Dang Diem Hong, Dinh Thi Ngoc Mai, Bui Dinh Lam, Luu Thi Tam, Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy, Nguyen Cam Ha, Le Thi Thom, Dinh Duc Hoang, Hoang Lan Anh, Ngoc Thi Hoai Thu. (2012). Combined effects of nitrate concentration and illumination conditions on the growth of microalga Haematococcus pluvialis. J. of Biology. 34 (4): 493-499 (Vietnamese).
112/ Dinh Thi Ngoc Mai, Le Thi Thom, Bui Dinh Lam, Dang Diem Hong. 2012. Biodiesel production from a microalgal Chlorella sp. through the technology of in situ tranesterification. Journal of Biology. Volume 33, Number 4: pp: 66-71 (in Vietnamese).
111/ Dinh Duc Hoang, Luu Thi Tam, Ngo Thi Thuy, Dang Diem Hong. 2011. A study on the changes of the cell morphology, contents of pigments and intracellular protein in the life cycle of the green microalgal Haematococcus pluvialis under laboratory condition. J. of Biology. Volume 3, No. 1, p: 59-66 (in Vietnamese).
110/ Dang Diem Hong, Hoang Thi Lan Anh and Ngo Thi Hoai Thu. 2010. Study on biological characteristics of heterotrophic marine microalga – Schizochytrium mangrovei PQ6 isolated from Phu Quoc Island, Kien Giang province, Vietnam. J. of Phycology.Vol. 47, pp: 944-954
109/ Dang Diem Hong, Hoang Minh Hien, Hoang Thi Lan Anh. 2010. Studies on the Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory Activities of Sargassum swartzii (Turner) C. Agardh (Phaeophyta) and Ulva reticulata Forsskal (Chlorophyta) in Experiment Animal Models. African Journal of Biotechnology. Vol. 10 (12). pp: 2308-2313, 21 March, 2011.
108/ Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu and Dang Diem Hong. 2010. Isolation and screening of Schizochytrium microalgae from Vietnamese coasts for polyunsaturated fatty acid production. Journal of Science and Technology in the Tropics. Volume 6. p: 179-184
107/ Dang Diem Hong, Hoang Minh Hien, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Dinh Thi Thu Hang, Huynh Quang Nang. 2010. Establist cultivation by mixing crop of different strains of Eucheuma and Kappaphycus species. Journal of Marine Bioscience and Biotechnology, Vol. 4, N0. 1, March 2010. P. 24-30
106/ Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Dang Diem Hong. 2010. Study on the application of matine microalgal biomass of Schizochytrium mangrovei PQ6 used for fresh feed snout otter clam (Lutraria rhyncheana Jonas, 1844). J of Biology. Volume 32. No. 4, p: 83-88 (in Vietnamese).
105/ Hoang Lan Anh, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Dang Diem Hong. 2010. Identification of several marine microalgae strains isolated from Hai Phong and Nha Trang coasts based on morphology and 18S rRNA gene analysis. J. of Biotechnology.Volume 8, No: 3, P: 387-396 (in Vietnamese).
104/ Dang Diem Hong, Dinh Duc Hoang, Nguyen Thi Thuy, Hoang Thi Lan Anh. 2010. Choosing the optimal medium for cultivation of rich-astaxanthin green microalga Haematococcus pluvialis. J. of Biology. Volume 32, No 2, p: 43-53 (in Vietnamese).
103/ Pham My Dung, Dang Diem Hong, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu. 2010. Isolation and identification of Chaetoceros sp. from Hai Phong coasts based on morphology characteristics and nucleotide sequence of 18S rDNA gene fragment. . J. of Biotechnology. Volume 8, No3B, p: 1725-1730 (in Vietnamese).
102/Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Đinh Đuc Hoang, Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy, Dang Diem Hong. 2010. Evolution of the tolerant ability of marine microalgae Nannochloropsis oculata isolated in Vietnam and Singapore coastal zone under stress culture condition. J. of Biotechnology. Volume 8, No3B, p: 1731-1737 (in Vietnamese).
101/ Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Dinh Thi Ngoc Mai, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Dang Diem Hong. 2010. Isolation of new heterotrophic marine microalga rich DHA and carotenoid strain belonging to Thraustochytrium genus from Thi Nai- Binh Dinh saltmash lagoon. J. of Biotechnology. Volume 8, No 3A, P: 459-465 (in Vietnamese).
100/ Le Mai Huong, Tran Thi Hong ha, Tran Thi Nhu Hang, Tran Mai Duc, Huynh Hoang Nhu Khanh, Dang Diem Hong. 2010. Thu use of bacteria isolated from ice-ice disease Kappaphycus alvarezii to experimentally infect healthy seaweed with ice-ice disease. J. of Science and Tehcnology. Volume. 48, No 4A, P:257-264 (in Vietnamese).
99/ Tran Thi Hong Ha, Le Mai Huong, Tran Thi Nhu Hang, Nguyen Dinh Luyen, Hoang Kim Chi, Tran Mai Duc, Dang Diem Hong, Dinh Thi Thu Hang, Bui Minh Ly. 2010. Sutdy on factors effecting antimicrobial activity of antinomyces strain HT21 against ice-ice disease pathogens in seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii Doty. J. of Science and Tehcnology. Volume. 48, No 4A, P: 290-297 (in Vietnamese).
98/ Tran Thi Hong Ha, Le Mai Huong, Tran Thi Nhu Hang, Nguyen Dinh Luyen, Hoang Kim Chi, Tran Mai Duc, Dang Diem Hong. 2010. Screening of effective microorganisms against ice-ice disease pathogenic strains in seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii. J. of Science and Tehcnology. Volume. 48, No 4A, P: 281-289 (in Vietnamese).
97/ Nguyen Thi Minh Thanh, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Dinh Thi Thu Hang, Dang Diem Hong. 2010. Screening photoautotrophic marine microalgae as materials for biodiesel production. J. of Science and Tehcnology. Volume. 48, No 4A, P:320-325 (in Vietnamese).
96/ Bui Dinh Lam, Dinh Thi Ngoc Mai, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Dinh Thi Thu Hang, Tran Thi Hong Ha, Le Mai Huong, Dang Diem Hong. 2010. Biodiversity of ice – ice disease promoting microbian species on Kappaphycus alvarezii and K. striatum in the central part of Vietnam. J. of Science and Technology. Volume 48, No. 4A, P: 311-319 (in Vietnamese).
95/ Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Le Thi Thom, Vu Manh Hung, Ngo Van Thanh, Dang Diem Hong. 2010. Investigation of the effect of Algal Omega – 3 products derived from rich DHA marine microalga in the radioprotection on Swiss White mice. J of Science and Technology. Volume 48, No: 4A, P: 247-256 (in Vietnamese).
94/ Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Dang Diem Hong. 2009. Optimization of cultural conditions in liquid media of Schizochytrium sp. PQ6 isolated from Phu Quoc Island, Kien Giang province. J. of Biology. Volume. 3, No4: pp: 82-88 (in Vietnamese).
93/ Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Nguyen Thi Minh Thanh, Dang Diem Hong. 2009. Extraction and purification of unsaturated fatty acid from heterotrophic marine microalgae Schizochytrium mangrovei PQ6. Journal of Biotechnology. Volume 7. Number 3. pp: 381-387 (in Vietnamese).
92/ Hoang Lan Anh, Dinh Thi Thu Hang, Dang Diem Hong. 2009. Effect assessment of Schizochytrium mangrovei PQ6 biomass utilization on Rotifer Brachionus plicatilis and Artemia nauplii enrichment. Proceeding of the National conference on marine biology and sustainable development, 27-28 November, 2009. Publish House of natural Science and Technology. PP. 413-421 (in Vitenamese).
91/ Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Dinh Thi Thu Hang, Dang Dinh Kim, Dang Diem Hong. 2009. Some biological characteristics of marine microalga Isochrysis galbana (Parke, 1949) isolated from Hai Phong coastal zone and used as live feed in aquaculuture. Proceeding of the National conference on Biotechnology 2009. Biotechnology in agro-forestry & aquaculture, in industry and food and feed rocessing industry, in medicine & pharmacy, and in environment protection. Thai Nguyen, 26-27 November, 2009. Publish House of Thai Nguyen University - 2009. PP: 381-386 (in Vietnamese).
90/ Phạm My Dung, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Luu Thi Tam, Dinh Duc Hoang, Dinh Thi Thu Hang and Dang Diem Hong. 2009. Some of biological characteristics of Chaetoceros muelleri isolated from Hai Phong coastal zone using for live feed in aquaculture. Proceeding of the National conference on Biotechnology 2009. Biotechnology in agro-forestry & aquaculture, in industry and food and feed rocessing industry, in medicine & pharmacy, and in environment protection. Thai Nguyen, 26-27 November, 2009. Publish House of Thai Nguyen University - 2009. PP: 77-81 (in Vietnamese).
89/ Hoang Lan Anh, Dinh Thi Ngoc Mai, Dinh Thu Hang, Dang Diem Hong. 2009. Study on some biological characteristics of heterotrophic DHA- rich microalga Schizochytrium sp. strain TB 17 isolated from saltmarh forest Diem Dien, Thai Binh. Proceeding of the National conference on Biotechnology 2009. Biotechnology in agro-forestry & aquaculture, in industry and food and feed rocessing industry, in medicine & pharmacy, and in environment protection. Thai Nguyen, 26-27 November, 2009. Publish House of Thai Nguyen University - 2009. PP: 492-496 (in Vietnamese).
88/ Dinh Thi Ngoc Mai, Hoang Lan Anh, Dinh Thi Thu Hang, Dang Diem Hong. 2009. Study on some biological characteristics and identification of scientific name of Schizochytrium sp. strain TH16 based on nucleotide sequences of 18S rRNA gene fragment isolated from Tinh Gia- Thanh Hoa salt marsh forest. Proceedings of the 3 rd National Scientific Conference on Ecology and Biological Resources, Hanoi 22 October 2009. Publish House of Agriculture – 2009. PP: 1009-1016 (in Vietnamese).
87/ Pham My Dung, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Dinh Thi Thu Hang, Dang Diem Hong. 2009. Isolation and identification of Tetraselmis sp. from Hai Phong based in morphological characteristics and nucleotide sequences of 18S rDNA gene fragment. Proceedings of the 3 rd National Scientific Conference on Ecology and Biological Resources, Hanoi 22 October 2009. Publish House of Agriculture – 2009. PP: 68-72 (in Vietnamese).
86/ Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Dang Dinh Kim, Dang Diem Hong. 2009. Isolation and identification of Isochrysis sp. strain from Hai Phong based on morphological characteristics and nucleotide sequences of 18S rDNA gene fragment. Proceedings of the 3 rd National Scientific Conference on Ecology and Biological Resources, Hanoi 22 October 2009. Publish House of Agriculture – 2009. PP: 365-369 (in Vietnamese).
85/ Hoang Minh Hien and Dang Diem Hong. 2008. Epression of genes encoding for enzyme elongase involved DHA biosyntheisis from Labyrinthula – a heterotrophic marine algae riched in omega-3. Journal of Chemistry. Volune 46 (6). P: 763-771 (in Vietnamese).
84/ Dang Diem Hong, Hoang Minh Hien, Ngo Hoai Thu, Hoang Sy Nam, Huynh Quang Nang, Tran Mai Duc. 2008. Analysis of the genetic variation of Eucheuma and Kappaphycus strains in Vietnam using RAPD markers. Monograph Series 2. Taxonomy of Southeast Asian Seaweeds. Editors Phang SM, Lewmanomaon K, Lim Phaik-Eem, IOES 2008: P: 69-82
83/ Hoang Lan Anh, Luu Thi Tam, Nguyen Thi Minh Thanh, Dinh Thi Ngoc Mai, Dang Diem Hong. 2008. Cultivation of Schizochytrrium sp. PQ6 strain in different fermentor systems. Journal of Biotechnology. Volume 6. Special Number 4A. P: 705-711 (in Vietnamese).
82/ Nguyen Minh Thanh, Luyen Quoc Hai, Lai Kim Dung, Phan Van Kiem, Chau Van Minh, Dang Diem Hong. 2008. Identification of chemical nature of anti- inflammatory agent in total extract from Vietnamese Sargassum swartzii. Journal of Biotechnology. Volume 6. Special Number 4A P: 713-720 (in Vietnamese)
81/ Dang Diem Hong, Hoang Minh Hien, Nguyen Minh Thanh, Chau Van Minh, Nguyen Trong Thong (2008). The investigation of antinflamatory ability from seaweeds of Vietnam. (2008). Journal of Chemistry. Vol. 46, No 5A: 81-90 (in Vietnamese)
80/ Hoang Lan Anh, Nguyen Huy Nam, Vu Manh Hung, Dang Diem Hong (2008) Study of safety and effect of Algal omega 3 product made from DHA- enriched marine microalga Schizochytrium biomass in experimental animal. Journal of Chemistry. Vol. 46, No 5A: 91-97 (in Vietnamese).
79/ Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Luu Thi Tam, Dang Diem Hong (2008). Some biological characteristics of two Isochrisis galbana and Nanochloropsis oculata isolated from Vietnam. Journal of Chemistry. Vol. 46, No 5A: 98-104 (in Vietnamese).
78/ Hoang Minh Hien, Dang Diem Hong (2008). Study of functional characteristics of gene encoding desaturase involved in DHA biosynthesis from Labyrinthula – a heterotrophic marine alga riched in omega -3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Journal of Chemistry. Vol. 46, No 5A: 213-222 (in Vietnamese).
77/ Dang Diem Hong and T. Nakahara. 2008. Comparison of Labyrinthulid strains L4 and L75 by Fatty acid composition and characteristics. Journal of fisheries Science and Technology. 11 (3), 149-158.
76/ Dang Diem Hong, Hoang Lan Anh, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu (2008), Successful isolation of Schizochytrium- a new heterotrophic marine microalga containing high polyunsaturated fatty acid – DHA from Phu Quoc Distric coast. J. of Biology .Vol. 30, No. 2: 50-55 (in Vietnamese).
75/ Dang Diem Hong, Hoang Minh Hien, Ngo Hoai Thu, Hoang Lan Anh and Luyen Quoc Hai. 2008. Phylogenetic analyses of Prorocentrum spp. and Alexandrium spp. isolated from Northern coast of Vietnam based on the use of 18S rDNA sequence. Journal Environt. Biol. ISSN 0254-8704. 29 (4): 535-542
74/ Hoang Sy Nam, Dang Diem Hong. 2008. Trial cultivation of two strains Spirulina platensis CNT and Spirulina platensis C1 medium different mineral water resources such as Thach Thanh - ThanhHoa, ThanhTan- ThuaThien-Hue and ThanhLiem – HaNam Province. Journal of Biology. Vol. 30. No.1. pp: 70-78 (in Vietnamese).
73/ Van Khanh Tran, Teguh Haryo Sasongko, Dang Diem Hong, Nguyen Thi Hoan,Vu Chi Dung, Myeong Jin Lee, Gunadi, Yasuhiro Takeshima, Masafumi Matsuo and Hisahide Nishio (2008) SMN2 and NAIP gene dosages in Vietnamese patients with spinal muscular atrophy. Pediatrics International 50(3): 346-351 (SCI-E).
72/ Dang Diem Hong, Hoang Sy Nam, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu. (2008). Utilization of microalgae having rich nutrient value in the artificial reproduction of Ben Tre oyster – Meretrix Lyrata (Sowerby, 1851). Proceedings of the Fifth National Workshop on Marine Molluscs. Nha Trang, 17-18/9/2007. PP: 175-184 (in Vietnamese)
71/ Dang Diem Hong, Ngo Hoai Thu, Hoang Sy Nam, Hoang Minh Hien, Luyen Quoc Hai, Dao Viet Ha, Yasuo Fukuyo and Mitsunori Iwataki. 2007. The phylogenetic tree of Alexandrium, Prorocentrum and Pseudonitzschia of harmful and toxic algae in Vietnam coastal waters based on sequences of 18SrADN, ITS1-5,8S-ITS2 gene fragments and Single cell – PCR method. 2007. Marine Research in Indonesia. ISSN 0079-0435. Vol. 32, No.2: 203-218.
70/ Diem Hong-Dang, Hai-Quoc Luyen, Hoang Minh Hien, Ngo Hoai Thu and Hoang Lan Anh. 2007. Morphological and Molecular identification of Pseudonitzschia sp. G3 isolated from Northern Coast of Vietnam based on ITS region sequences. Journal of Marine Bioscience and Biotechnology. Vol.2, N0.1, P: 60-67;
69/ D.D. Hong, H.M. Hien & P.N. Son (2007). Use of Vietnamese seaweed for functional food, medicine and biofertilizer. Journal Applied Phycology. Volume 19, No 6: 817-826 (SCI).
68/ D.D. Hong, H.M. Hien & P.N. Son (2007). Effect of irradiation on the protein profile, protein content and quality of agar from Gracilaria asiatica Zhang et Xia (Rhodophyta).Journal Applied Phycology (2007). Volume 19, No 6 19: 809-815
67/ Dang Diem Hong, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Hoang Sy Nam, Hoang Lan Anh, Y. Kawata. 2007. The initial application of bacteria and mutanted Spirulina for cleaning wastewater and prospective production of industrial raw materials as bio-plastic in Phu Do starch trade village. Proceeding of the Science conference on Environmental technology- research and application. Hanoi, 29-30 October, 2007.p. 279-286 (in Vietnamese).
66/ Dang Diem Hong, Hoang Minh Hien, Hoang Sy Nam, Nguyen Dinh Hung, Hoang Lan Anh, Ngo Hoai Thu, Dinh Khanh Chi. 2007. Biodiversity of heterotrophic microalgal Labyrinthula sp. and Schizochytrium sp. of Vietnam.Proceedings of the 2 nd National Scientific Conference on Ecology and Biological Resources. Hanoi, 26 October, 2007 (Sections of biological resources & Biodiversity and conservation). P. 332-338 (in Vietnamese)
65/ Nicolle Pavlik, Jorn Kasbohm, Đặng Diễm Hồng, Lê Thị Lài. 2007. Categorization of biological water quality using diatoms of example of nam Dinh city, Vietnam. Journal of Geology. Series B, No 29, 2007 “International year of planet earth”.P. 69-75.
64/ Nguyen Dinh Hung, Hoang Sy Nam, Hoang Lan Anh, Dang Diem Hong (2007). Some bio-characteristics of Labyrrinthula from the North coast of Viet Nam. J. of Biology. 28 (2): 67-77 (in Vietnamese).
63/ Dang Diem Hong, Hoang Minh Hien, Nguyen Dinh Hung, Hoang Sy Nam, Hoang Lan Anh, Ngo Hoai Thu, Dinh Khanh Chi (2007) Study on DHA biosynthesis from Labyrinthula, Schizochytrium – a new heterotrophic marine algae and their utilizations. J. of Science and Technology. 45 (1B): 144-154 (in Vietnamese).
62/ Ngo Hoai Thu, Dang Diem Hong, Aiba S and Kawata Y. (2007). Application of the lipofection method to transform gene into the cells of the cyanobacterium- species Spirulina platensis. J. of Biology. 29 (1),70-75 (in Vietnamese).
61/ Hoang Minh Hien, Dang Diem Hong (2007). Cloning and sequencing of genes encoding for enzyme elongase and desaturase involved in DHA biosyntheisi from Labyrinthula. Issues of basis research in life sciences. Proceedings of The 2007th National Conference on Life sciences Quy Nhon University, August 10, 2007. Science and Technics Publishing House, Hanoi, 2007. pp: 724-726 (in Vietnamese).
60/ Hoang Sy Nam, Dinh Khanh Chi, Hoang Minh Hien, Dang Diem Hong, Chau Van Minh (2007). Initial study of screening of anti-inflammatory compounds from some species of Vietnamese seaweeds. Issues of basis research in life sciences. Proceedings. The 2007th National Conference on Life sciences Quy Nhon University, August 10, 2007. Science and Technics Publishing House, Hanoi, 2007. pp: 773-776 (in Vietnamese).
[ 2006]
59/ Hoang Lan Anh, Dang Diem Hong, Chu Van Thuoc (2006) Contructing the phylogenetic tree of Pseudonitzschia sp. G3 isolated from Hai Phong city based on sequence analysis of nucleotide of ITS1- 5.8S - ITS2 fragment. J. of Biology. 28 (4): 68-73 (in Vietnamese).
58/ Hoang Thi Minh Hien, Hoang Sy Nam, Dang Diem Hong (2006) Optimum cultural conditions of the Labyrinthula sp. strain HL78 in stiff media. J.of Biology 28(3): 54-60 (in Vietnamese).
57/ Đặng Diễm Hồng, Luyện Quốc Hải, Ngô Thị Hoài Thu, Hoàng Thị Minh Hiền, Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Dao, Trần Vân Khánh, Masafumi Matsuo (2006) Screening 10 cases mutated gene of 33 Vietnamese patients with diagnogis of Duchenne and Becker muscular Dystrophy (DMD and BMD). Medicine of Vietnam. Number 8: 13-19 (in Vietnamese).
56/ Dang Diem Hong, Hoang Minh Hien, Hoang Lan Anh, Chu Van Thuoc (2005) Taxonomy of Prorocentrum sp. sampled from Haiphong city by basing on the nucleotide sequences of the 18r DNA and ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 gene fragments. J.of Biol 28(1): 81-91 (in Vietnamese).
55/ Ho Sy Hanh, Vo Hanh, Duong Duc Tien, Dang Diem Hong (2005) Using RAPD-PCR technique to identify the genetic relationship of genus Calothrix species isolated from cultural soil soil of the DacLac province. J. of Biol. 28(1): 75-80 (in Vietnamese).
54/ Ho Sy Hanh, Vo Hanh, Dang Diem Hong, Duong Duc Tien (2005) New finding of genus Westiellopsis Janet from rice-field soil of the Dak Lak province for VietNamese microalgae. J. of Biotechnol. 3 (4): 509-516 (in Vietnamese).
53/ Hoang Lan Anh, Hoang Sy Nam, Nguyen Dinh Hung & Dang Diem Hong (2005) Isolation of Labyrinthula – new marine microalgae containing high polyunsaturated fatty acids n-6 DPA and DHA from Do Son – Hai Phong and Hai Hau - Nam Dinh coasts. J. of Biotechnology Vol 3, No 3, P:381 – 387 (in Vietnamese).
52/ Le Nhu Hau, Dang Diem Hong (2005) Rename of some species of Gracilaria cultivated at Dinh Vu and Cat Hai ponds (Hai Phong) based on the comparative morphology and ITS1 sequence analysis. J. of Biotechnology. Vol 3, N02, P: 245-256 (in Vietnamese).
51/ Dang Diem Hong, Hoang Thi Lan Anh, Nguyen Dinh Hung, Hoang Sy Nam (2005). Content and quality of agar in radiated Glacilaria asiatica which was selected by selective medium.Issues ofbasic research in Life Science. Proceedings, the 2005th National conference on Life Sciences Hanoi Medical University, Science and Technics publishing House. November 03, 2005. P: 545-548 (in Vietnamese).
50/ Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Luyen Quoc Hai, Dang Diem Hong,Chu Van Thuoc (2005) Identification of Alexandrium sp.(C) isolated from Do Son, Hai Phong based on sequence analyses of 18S rRNA. Issues ofbasic research in Life Science. Proceedings, the 2005th National conference on life sciences Hanoi Medical University, Science and Technics publishing House. November 03, 2005, P: 1400-1403 (in Vietnamese).
49/ Phung Thi Vinh, Dang Diem Hong (2005).Toxic examination of Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) Doty and Caulerpa racemosa (Forsk) J.Ag. Issues ofbasic research in Life Science. Proceedings, the 2005th National conference on life sciences Hanoi Medical University, Science and Technics publishing House November 03, 2005, P: 861-864 (in Vietnamese).
48/ Dang Diem Hong and Hoang Thi Minh Hien (2004) Nutritional analysis of Vietnamese seaweeds for food and medicine. BioFactors Special issue: The Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on Food Factors (ICoFF 03). IOS Press. ISSN 0951-6433 Coden BIFAEU. Vol.22, N0 1-4, P: 323-325 (SCI-E).
47/ Ide T, Hong DD, Ranasinghe P, Takahashi Y, Kushiro M, Sugano M. (2004) Interaction of dietary fat types and sesamin on hepatic fatty acid oxidation in rats. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1682, P: 80-91 (SCI)
46/ Dinh Thi Phong, Dang Diem Hong, Le Tran Binh, Le thi Muoi (2004) Rapid evaluation of rice drought tolerance by chlorophyll fluorescence. Journal of Science and Technology. Vol 42, N01, P: 62-67 (in Vietnamese).
45/ Dang Diem Hong, Luyen Quoc Hai, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Hoang Thi Minh Hien, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dao, Vu Chi Dung, Bui Phuong Thao, Nguyen Thi Hoan, Tran Van Khanh, Masafumi Matsuo (2004) Screening 6 cases mutated Dystrophin gene of 20 Vietnamese patients with dianogis of Duchenne and Becker muscular Dystrophy (DMD and BMD).Issue of basic reserach in Life Science with direction in Medicine and Pharmacology. Proceedings, the 2004th National conference on life sciences Vietnam Military Medical University. Science and Technics publishing House. Ha noi, October 28, P: 231-234 (in Vietnamese).
44/ Nguyen Thi Hoan, Nguyen Thu Nhan, Vu Chi Dung, Bui Phuong Thao, Yasuhiro Takeshima, Masafumi Matsuo, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dao, Dang Diem Hong, Tran Van Khanh, Nguyen Duc Bach (2004). Molecular diagnosis, Correlation of Clinical and Deletion data in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Japanese Society for inherited Metabolic Diseases. 20, 51-54.
43/ Nguyen Thi Hoan, Nguyen Thu Nhan, Vu Chi Dung, Bui Phuong Thao, Yasuhiro Takeshima, Masafumi Matsuo, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dao, Dang Diem Hong, Tran Van Khanh, Nguyen Duc Bach (2004). Clinical types, Molecular Genetic Diagnosis and Genetic- Clinical Corretion in Patients with Spinal Muscular Atrophy. Japanese Society for inherited Metabolic Diseases. 20, 67-70.
42/ Trần Vân Khánh, Đặng Diễm Hồng, Nguyễn Thị Hoàn, Vũ Chí Dũng, Bùi Phương Thảo và Masafumi Matsuo. (2004). Chẩn đoán ở mức độ phân tử đối với 85 bệnh nhân Việt Nam mắc bệnh Duchenne/ Becker muscular dystrophy bằng phương pháp Polymerase Chain Reaction. Tạp chí Y học Việt Nam. 12, 33-38 (in Vietnamese).
[2003, 2002]
41/ Dang Diem Hong, Takashi Y, Kushiro M, Ide T (2003) Divergent effects of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid ethyl esters and fish oil on hepatic fatty acid oxidation in the rat. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1635 (2003), P: 29-36 (SCI).
40/ Ide T, Dang Diem Hong (2003) Divergent effects of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid ethyl esters and fish oil on hepatic fatty acid oxidation in the rat. Proceedings of the United States - Japan UJNR. Cooperative Program in natural resources Food and Agriculture Panel, 32nd Annual Meeting, Tskuba, Ibaraki, Japan, November 9-15, 2003. P: 348-354.
39/ Nguyen Duc Bach, Sadewa AH, Takeshima Y, Sotomo R, Tran Van Khanh, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dao, Nguyen Thi Hoan, Vu Chi Dung, Dang Diem Hong, Harada Y, Nishio H, Matsuo M (2003) Deletion of the SMN1 and NAIP genes in Vietnamese patients with spinal muscular atrophy. Kobe J. Med. Sci. , Vol. 49, No-3. P: 55-58.
38/ Dang Diem Hong, Ide T (2003) Comparative effects of EPA and DHA ethyl esters and fish oil on hepatic fatty acid metabolism in the rat. Advances in Natural Sciences. Vol.4, No3, National Center for Science and Tehcnology of Vietnam. P: 233-247.
37/ Nguyen Duc Bach, Dang Diem Hong, Duong Duc Tien, Nguyen Van Dong (2003) Phylogenetic relationships of some Scenedesmus strains (Chlorophyta) isolated from the Hoan Kiem lake by basing on ITS-1 rDNA sequences. J.of Biol. Vol 25, No3, P: 105-109 (in Vietnamese).
36/ Dang Diem Hong, Nguyen Duc Bach, Luyen Quoc Hai, ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Duong Duc Tien, Nguyen Van Dong (2003) Phylogenestic chacracterization of some Vietnamese algae (Gracilaria, Hypnea, Caulerpa, Scenedesmus) based on their ITS-1 sequences". Proceedings of the 2rd National Conference in Life Sciences "Problems of basic research in life Sciences" Science and Technics Publishing House. Hue 25-26/7/2003, P: 913-916 (in Vietnamese).
35/ Nguyen Duc Bach, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dao, Dang Diem Hong, Nguyen Thi Hoan, Tran Van Khanh, Masafumi Matsuo (2003) Screening 3 case dystrophin gene in total 11 Vietnamese Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy (DMD and BMD) patients. Proceedings of the 2rd National Conference in Life Sciences "Problems of basic research in life Sciences"." Science and Technics Publishing House. Hue 25-26/7/2003, P: 822-824 (in Vietnamese).
34/ Dang Diem Hong, Nguyen Duc Bach, Luyen Quoc Hai, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu (2003) Investigation change components and content of agar in radiated Gracilaria asiatica (Part II)". Proceedings of the 2rd National Conference in Life Sciences "Problems of basic research in life Sciences". Science and Technics Publishing House. Hue 25-26/7/2003, P: 322-325 (in Vietnamese).
33/ Nguyen Duc Bach, Luyen Quoc Hai, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Le Quang Huan, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dao, Dang Diem Hong, Nguyen Van Dong (2003) Cloning gene encoding for Lumbrokinase from Vietnamese earthworm (Perionyx excavatus). Proceedings of National Biotechnology Conference 2003, 16-17 December, 2003, Hanoi. Science and Technics Publishing House. P. 590-593 (in Vietnamese).
32/ Dang Diem Hong, Luyen Quoc Hai, Ngo Thi Hoai Thu, Tran Van Khanh, Le Quang Huan, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dao, Nguyen Duc Bach, Huynh Thi Kim Hoi, Nguyen Van Dong (2003) Genetic variation of ITS-1 of 8 earthworm species, collected from North of Vietnam. Proceedings of National Biotechnology Conference 2003, 16-17 December, 2003, Hanoi. Science and Technics Publishing House. P. 727-731 (in Vietnamese)
31/ Tran Van Khanh, Nguyen Duc Bach, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dao, Dang Diem Hong, Nguyen Thi Hoan, Hisahide Nishio, Masafumi Matsuo (2003) Deletion of the SMN 1 gene is detected in patient with spinal muscular atrophy in Vietnam. Proceedings of National Biotechnology Conference 2003, 16-17 December, 2003, Hanoi. Science and Technics Publishing House. P. 1079-1082 (in Vietnamese).
30/ Dang Diem Hong, Hoang Thi Minh Hien, Pham Ngoc Son, Nguyen Duc Bach, Nguyen Van Dong (2002) Phylogenetic characterization of some Vietnamese algae based on thier ITS-1 sequences. Journal of Science and Technology, No40, P: 161-167 .
29/ Nguyen Duc Bach, Pham Ngoc Son, Dang Diem Hong (2002) Initial investigation on changes of protein components in radiated Gracilaria asiatica (part II). Proceedings of scientific conference ”Bien Dong-2002”, 16-19/9/2002, Nha Trang,Vietnam, Agricultural Publishing House. P: 418-423 (in Vietnamese).
28/ Dang Diem Hong, Hoang Minh Hien, Nguyen Duc Bach, Pham Ngoc Son, Nguyen Van Dong (2002) Characterizing phylogenesis of Vietnamese algae based on sequence of ITS1. Proceedings of scientific conference ”Bien Dong-2002”, 16-19/9/2002, Nha Trang,Vietnam, Agricultural Publishing House. P 424-435 (in Vietnamese).
27/ Pham Ngoc Son, Nguyen Duc Bach, Hoang Minh Hien, Dang Diem Hong (2002) Using RAPD technique to determine genetic variation at DNA molecular level of radiated Gracilaria asiatica (part II). Proceedings of scientific conference ”Bien Dong-2002”, 16-19/9/2002, Nha Trang,Vietnam, Agricultural Publishing House.P 436-445 (in Vietnamese).
26/ Tran Du Chi, Vu Thanh Lam , Duong Duc Tien, Hoang Thi Minh Hien and Dang Diem Hong (2001) Several strains of Senedesmus isolated from Hoan Kiem lake . J. of Biology. Vol 23, No3a, P: 170-177 (in Vietnamese).
25/ D. H. Dang, T. Ide (2001) Comparative effect of EPA and DHA Ethyl esters and fish oil on hepatic fatty acid metabolism in the rat. Proceeding of International Workshop on Bioactive Natural Products (COSTED), Tokyo, Japan, P: 9-10.
24/ Vo Thuong Lan, Hoang Thi Minh Hien, Dang Diem Hong, Huynh Quang Nang (2000) Analysis of genetic variability of Caulerpa collected at the South of Viet Nam by RAPD- PCR. J. Genetics and Applications, No1. P: 31-35 (in Vietnamese).
23/ Le Tran Binh, Pham Ngoc Son, Tran Kien Cuong, Hoang Thi Minh Hien, Dinh Thi Phong, Nguyen Thi Nhi, Dang Diem Hong, Do Ngoc Quang (2000) Optimizing cultural media of Gracilaria asiatica under laboratory conditions. J. Genetics and Applications, No4. P: 14-20 (in Vietnamese).
22/ Hoang Thi Minh Hien, Dang Diem Hong, Vo Thuong Lan (2000) Genetic variability of Gracilaria collected from Truong Sa archipelago.J. of Biology. Vol 22, No2, P: 269-280 (in Vietnamese).
21/ Hoang Thi Minh Hien, Tran Kien Cuong, Tran Van Tua, Dang Diem Hong, Vo Thuong Lan, Tran Huu Quang (2000) Analysis of genetic variability of Dunaliella (Chlorophyta) by RAPD- PCR.Problemes of basic research in biology, Proceedings National Conference on biology,Problems of basic research in Biology, Ha Noi, 8-9 August, 2000, Vietnam National University Publishing House, Hanoi. P: 66-70 (in Vietnamese).
20/ Vo Thuong Lan, Hoang Thi Minh Hien, Tran Huu Quang, Huynh Quang Nang, Dang Diem Hong (1999) Analysis of genetic variability of Gracilaria (red algae) collected at South of Viet Nam by using technique of RAPD- PCR. Proceedings of National Biotechnology Conference, Hanoi, 1999. Science and Technics Publishing House. P:1321-1328 (in Vietnamese).
19/ Dang Diem Hong , Vo Thuong Lan, Hoang Thi Minh Hien, Tran Kien Cuong (1999) Analysis of genetic variability of Caulerpa collected in areas of Truong Sa Island by using technique of RAPD-PCR”. Proceedings of National Biotechnology Conference, Hanoi, Science and Technics Publishing House. P:1392- 1399 (in Vietnamese).
18/ Duong Trong Hien, Dang Dinh Kim, Dang Hoang Phuoc Hien, Dang Diem Hong (1998) Influence of different concentrations of NaCl on the photosynthetic and respiratory activity of blue-green alga Spirulina platensis. J. of Biology. Vol 20, No 4, P: 43-47 (in Vietnamese).
17/ Kim TH, Dang Diem Hong, Hwang MS, Chung IK, Lee CH (1998) Light-dependent changes in chlorophyll fluorescence from thalli of Porphyra tenera under osmotic dehydration and subsequent rehydration are not related with water flux. Algae. Vol 3, N0 2, P: 244-249.
16/ Dang Diem Hong, Kim TH, Hwang MS, Chung IK, Lee CH (1998) Effects of salinity on chlorophyll fluorescence from Porphyra thalli and comparison of species with different intertidal distribution”. J. Fish. Sci. 1(1).P: 122-128
15/ Dang Diem Hong, Le Thi Thuy, Choon - Hwan Lee (1998) Effect of high light intensity on xanthophyll cycle operation and b - carotene accumulation in Dunaliella salina. Proceedings of the fourth national conference on marine science and technology, Ha Noi, 12-12 Nov. 1998. Statistic Publishing House. Vol 2, P: 896-902 (in Vietnamese).
14/ Dang Diem Hong, Tae Hoon Kim, Choon- Hwan Lee (1998) Effect of high salt concentration on photosynthetic apparatus in the cells of the macrophytic red alga Phorphyra (Rhodophyta). Proceedings of the fourth national conference on marine science and technology, Ha Noi, 12-13 Nov., 1998. Statistic Publishing House. Vol 2, P: 903-909 (in Vietnamese).
13/ Dang Dinh Kim, Tran Van Tua, Dang Diem Hong, Hoang Thi Bao, Cao Van Sung (1996) Some results of using microalgae and water hyacinth for jute soaked water treament. Scientific bulletin of University, Biology-Agronomy-Medicine, P: 28-32 (in Vietnamese).
12/ Dang Diem Hong, Venediktov PS, Chemeric YuK (1996) Nature of the inactivation of Chlorella photosystem II at the moderately elevated temperature and in the dark. J. of Biol., Vol. 18. No2. P: 21-28 (in Vietnamese).
11/ Dang Diem Hong, Chemeri YuK , Venediktov PS (1995) Inactivation of photosystem 2 in Chlorella in moderately elevated temperature in the dark. J. of Biol., Vol. 17.N 0 4, P:22-30 (in Vietnamese).
10/ Dang Diem Hong, Chemeric YuK, Venediktov PS (1995) Photosystem 2 reactivation by light after incubation of Chlorella alga in the dark at the moderately elevated temperature and heterotrophic growth. The Year of Louis Pasteur Sub-regional Symposium. Hanoi, Vietnam, P: 287-292 (in Vietnamese).
9/ Dang Dinh Kim, Nguyen Tien Cu, Nguyen Thi Ninh, Dang Diem Hong, Tran Van Tua, Phan Truong An, Nguyen Van Hoa (1994) Exprimental culture Spirulina in Dac Min mineral water sources. J. of Biol. Vol.16 N o 3, P: 95-98 (in Vietnamese).
8/ Tran Van Tua, Dang Dinh Kim, Phan Phuong Lan, Dang Diem Hong, Nguyen Thi Ninh (1994) Influence of different carbon sources on the growth and the agar content of Gracilaria verrucosa. J. of Biol. Vol.16 N o 3, P: 99-101 (in Vietnamese).
7/ Chan-Van - Ni, Dang-Ziem- Hong, Zyong- Dyk – Tien, Gogotov IN (1988) Nitrogen fixation by the cyanobacterium Aphanothece palida isolated from rice field. Microbiology. Vol.57. N o 3, P: 458-463 (in Russian) (SCI).
6/ Nguyen Huu Thuoc, Dang Dinh Kim, Nguyen Thi Ninh, Dang Diem Hong, Tran Van Tua, Phan Phuong Lan, Nguyen Quy Hoa (1988) Exprimental culture Spirulina in Dac Min mineral water sources. Journal of Pharmacy, Vol 4+5, N o189, P:10-11-32 (in Vietnamese).
5/ Dang Diem Hong, Nguyen Huu Thuoc (1987) Stimulative effect of microalgal suspension on the growth of rice, which was treated by cooling, on germination duration. J. of Biol. Vol. 9, N o 3, P: 27-32 (in Vietnamese).
4/ Nguyen Huu Thuoc, Dang Diem Hong, Tran Hai (1987) Stimulative effect of blue- green-algae on the germination on rice. Journal of agricultural Science and Technology, N O297, P: 115-120 (in Vietnamese).
3/ Tran Van Nhi, Dang Diem Hong, Duong Duc Tien (1986) Nitrogen fixation by Aphanothece sp.- a cyanobactery isolated from Vietnam rice field. J. of Biology, Vol.8. N o4, P: 31-36 (in Vietnamese).
2/ Nguyen Duc, Dang Diem Hong, Tran Van Nhi (1984) The comparative study of the resistance of high temperature of several nitrogen fixing Cyanobacterium, J.of Biology, Vol.6, N o2, P: 25-31 (in Vietnamese).
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